In a new version of event calendars, breeder directory, stock exchanges and exhibitions as well as other events., Such as the opening of specialist markets for breeders, farmers, anniversaries, lectures or even, for example. an “open house” to present his breeding or the young, which can be very beneficial for the sale. The design is […]
Event Calendar – Conditions
The event calendar will not only publish vivariums, stock exchanges and exhibitions, but also lectures, a new shop, work shops, seminars, important anniversaries and breeders alike will be Publisher. It will also be possible to put actions with other breeding knowledge such as aquaristics, exotic birds, pets in general on the calendar. The basic […]
We offer you the possibility of having your animals, company, your product or e.g. to present a trade fair or stock exchange. In the case of a stock exchange, you are more likely to reach potential visitors. For more attention, you can offer footage from previous events. Interested people like to look at the place, […]