We have started cooperation with Living Zoology with a young enthusiastic herpetologist. They have made wonderful documentary films about the life of reptiles, mammals and their livelihoods. We were impressed and would like to publish the videos. Her work is fascinating and we find her interesting and unusual Images from the countries of the world […]
Pit viper snake kills a gecko lizard
We have started cooperation with Living Zoology with a young enthusiastic herpetologist. They have made wonderful documentary films about the life of reptiles, mammals and their livelihoods. We were impressed and would like to publish the videos. Her work is fascinating and we find her interesting and unusual Images from the countries of the world […]
Three colors of pit vipers
We have started cooperation with Living Zoology with a young enthusiastic herpetologist. They have made wonderful documentary films about the life of reptiles, mammals and their livelihoods. We were impressed and would like to publish the videos. Her work is fascinating and we find her interesting and unusual Images from the countries of the world […]
Make yourself known, please
We have started cooperation with Living Zoology with a young enthusiastic herpetologist. They have made wonderful documentary films about the life of reptiles, mammals and their livelihoods. We were impressed and would like to publish the videos. Her work is fascinating and we find her interesting and unusual Images from the countries of the world […]
We offer a download button. You can place the button on your website and, together with the attached link, you can view an event calendar. Link https://www.terraristik.cz/en/event-calendar/
We have changed the calendar for certain breeding events etc. a bit.
In a new version of event calendars, breeder directory, stock exchanges and exhibitions as well as other events., Such as the opening of specialist markets for breeders, farmers, anniversaries, lectures or even, for example. an “open house” to present his breeding or the young, which can be very beneficial for the sale. The design is […]
Event Calendar – Conditions
The event calendar will not only publish vivariums, stock exchanges and exhibitions, but also lectures, a new shop, work shops, seminars, important anniversaries and breeders alike will be Publisher. It will also be possible to put actions with other breeding knowledge such as aquaristics, exotic birds, pets in general on the calendar. The basic […]
Nature does not adhere to breeding plans and schedules, it is always different and unique
The normal breeding process at a breed is listed in various phases and timings. It is also so that it exactly runs on most snakes + – a few days. Nervous is one, if this predetermined times are exceeded by the animal. I myself had an experience in my breed entirely up to date with […]