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Our sites are designed for all breeders and lovers of nature. They can look here for their new home pets, offer their animals for the pleasure of other breeders, or to exchange something with other breeders.

But we also want to publish professional articles, first of all for terrarium owners. The team of experts from the Veterinary University in Brno has promised us cooperation. We also be glad to publish articles of breeders who are interested in publishing of their breeding experience. Articles can be accompanied by pictures. They can be inserted through the editors of the portal.

I would like to thank for the assistance in the construction of sites to the friends, among belongs to e.g. Mr. Stefan Wieser, Mr. Michi Vock, or Mr. Rosier Van De Kuil, who gave at our disposal lovely pictures of his breed.

I am looking forward to cooperation with you.

Robert Schlesinger, admin of portal



